Territorial Federations

The FEMP cooperates with any regional Federations of Local Authorities that so wish, signing a protocol specifying the terms and scope of such cooperation with each one.
 At present the Federations with which this protocol is in force are as follows:
- Andalusian Federation of Municipalities and Provinces www.famp.es
- Aragonese Federation of Municipalities, Counties and Provinces www.famcp.org
- Asturian Federation of Councils www.facc.info
- Federation of Local Authorities of the Balearic Islands www.felib.es
- Canarian Federation of Municipalities www.fecam.es
- Federation of Municipalities of Cantabria www.federaciondemunicipios.com
- Regional Federation of Municipalities and Provinces of Castilla y Leon www.frmpcl.es
- Federation of Municipalities and Provinces of Castilla-La Mancha www.fempclm.es
- Federation of Municipalities of Catalonia www.fmc.cat
- Federation of Municipalities and Provinces of Extremadura www.fempex.es
- Galician Federation of Municipalities and Provinces www.fegamp.es
- Federation of Municipalities of Madrid www.fmmadrid.com
- Federation of Municipalities of the Region of Murcia www.fmrm.es
- Navarre Federation of Municipalities and Councils www.fnmc.es
- Rioja Federation of Municipalities www.frmunicipios.org
- Valencian Federation of Municipalities and Provinces www.fvmp.es


The FEMP also maintains relations with the Association of Basque Municipalities-EUDEL. www.eudel.net