The Councils are good payers and comply with their obligations

The vast majority of councils are good payers and comply with their obligations, therefore, the image of delinquency does not correspond with reality. This has been secured Gijón City Councilman, Santiago Martínez Argüelles, who has appeared today representing the FEMP, the Congress of Deputies.

Martínez Argüelles, who appeared in the Paper on the Bill amending the Law 3 / 2004, laying down measures against delinquency, has called for simplification of procedures they must follow the municipalities to pay the bills in order to streamline and modernize it without undermining budgetary control and supervisory agency has to have the payment of obligations by the municipalities.

If not previously reviewed the rules governing the processing of invoices, local governments would struggle to pay their suppliers in 30 days as required by the Proposition of Law
At his hearing, Martínez Argüelles, has assured that the vast majority of councils meet their obligations, but has acknowledged that in a crisis situation such as this, may have grown the number of councils in difficulty.
However, the FEMP representative, said that what exists is a fundamental problem linked to the structural weaknesses of local funding, compounded by the exercise of shared competence with other governments and, sometimes promoted by regulatory developments Government and the Autonomous Communities, which require getting new costs to local governments, situations that distort greatly to local government finances.
The councils which are overdue they do, because they have no resources. When they do have them on time. Take the example of the projects implemented under the State Local Investment Fund of 2009, which, with one exception, were paid by the deadline of 30 days.