The FEMP, at the Sixth EU-Latin America and Caribbean

The FEMP participates as an observer at the Sixth Summit of Heads of State and Government of the EU-Latin America and the Caribbean, held in Madrid in under half of Spanish EU presidency. The Member of its Executive Committee, Ramón Ropero, Mayor of Villafranca de los Barros and Vice President of the International Relations Committee and Secretary General of the Federation, Isaura Leal, are representatives of the FEMP in this event which brings together leaders of both sides of the Atlantic.

This is the first time the FEMP participates in an international summit of this nature. In the days since the Federation was given to those responsible for the Summit Declaration of Vitoria, the final document issued by the participants at the II Forum of Local Governments European Union-Latin America and Caribbean, held in the capital of Alava, which demanded the participation of local representation at this Sixth Summit of Heads of State.
The Declaration of Vitoria, claims, moreover, the role of local governments and their territories in the process of development and social cohesion and commitment to promoting a "global dimension of the end of social innovation."