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May 17th, Internet Day

On 17 May, celebrated World Telecommunication and Information Society, Internet Day, a commemoration that comes with over 400 events organized worldwide by diverse institutions and agencies, local councils also included Spanish in the first line of the promoters.

Government approves new measures to reduce administrative burdens

The Council of Ministers has approved a new set of measures to reduce administrative burdens. It is the fifth agreement of this type approved by the Government since 2008 and this time is directed exclusively to ease the formalities to be completed on a daily basis citizens.

Minute of silence at noon for the victims of earthquake in Lorca

City councils in Spain have called on their neighbors to a minute of silence in the morning, in memory of earthquake victims Lorca. Local governments responded well to the call of the FEMP.

Grants for the purchase of electric vehicles

The Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Trade has announced the direct concession of subsidies to buy electric vehicles throughout 2011. The total budget for subsidies, which may also benefit other municipalities and public authorities, amounts to 72 million euros and is part of the Comprehensive Plan to Promote Electric Vehicle in Spain.

The FEMP was added to the Europe Day

FEMP has joined throughout the day on May 9 to commemorate the entire continent of "Europe Day", the event that recalls the date that Robert Schuman presented his proposal for an organized Europe live in peace, that proposal, the Schuman declaration was the basis for the creation of the European Union today.

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