Call the FEMP to promote the commemoration March 8

The FEMP Executive Committee has appealed to the Spanish Local Governments to hold commemorative events, demonstrations or any other activity on the occasion of International Women's Day, celebrated on 8 March.

For this reason, FEMP has issued a declaration adopted by the Executive Committee on 23 March, in which one comes to claim that equality between women and men is taken into account when dealing with responses to the economic crisis and boost growth and jobs in the coming years.

The text proposed for the approval of all those councils who wish, reiterates the commitment of local governments "to continue working on a more egalitarian, just and democratic" and urges them "to keep their political agendas priority gender equality, intensifying efforts to identify and address barriers to prevent or limit the equal participation of women and men in local areas of responsibility, particularly political and economic decisions and to generate knowledge, contributing to the construction of more humane. "

Councils are already many Spanish who, in the days prior to March 8, are developing training and information activities, seminars, workshops, exhibitions and events to raise awareness and involve citizens in the commitment to equality.

The Declaration can be accessed from the representative of the International Day banner on this website.