The FEMP Senate calls the urgency of a new model of local financing

The Mayor of Villafranca de los Barros, Ramón Ropero, has called on the Commission on Institutions of the Senate, where he appeared as a representative of the FEMP, to address urgently the reform of local financing model and the new Act Local Government, so that both laws can take effect in January 2011.

Ramón Ropero has appeared before the Committee on Local Government in the Senate as a representative of the FEMP in the Bilateral Commission which negotiates with the Government's reform of local financing.
In his speech, has once again put on the table one of the main demands of the municipalities towards the negotiation of the new funding system, aiming to ensure SPADES (share of tax revenues of the autonomous communities) will be a condition essential for the new system is fair, equitable and effective. Thus, he assured, should not close a deal without including their regulation
The pikes are established in the Constitution and its "no development" could be a serious breach of constitutional provisions, as the representative of the FEMP, who also noted that funds that come under this heading should be completely unconditioned.
He recalled that the municipalities provide many services that are competitive and autonomous, and there are many programs and projects for implementation of sectoral policies, promoted mainly by the Autonomous Communities, which once implemented with the cooperation of the municipalities, create a need in the public "obliges us to afford themselves the continuity of these policies."
"There are few projects and programs proposed by the autonomous communities and then leave," said Mayor Extremadura. A situation that leads to "a clear loss of autonomy of expenditure and decisions"
Ramón Ropero told senators the essentials of the position of the FEMP in negotiating with the government that, in addition to the Picasa, including the need to correct the "poor participation" in the general state revenues (PIE), according with the principles of sufficiency, efficiency and equity. On this point, said the state must put on the table additional resources for municipalities, "what it has done with the Autonomous Communities.
The FEMP also calls himself a fiscal system that includes, inter alia, a review of tax revenues by improving tax administration and collection of the same, but without increasing the tax burden on citizens. Currently, over 51% of the revenues of local entities come from taxation. "We believe this percentage is enough and, therefore, intend to maintain the range of taxable events," he said.
At the same time, claimed that the new model has a ceiling and a floor to avoid excessive fluctuations, either upwards or downwards, as with the current system.
Ramón Ropero also emphasized another of the main demands of local governments: its presence with a voice through the FEMP, the Council Fiscal and Financial Policy. In his view, is not acceptable that one of the three parts of the state lies outside the forum to decide such fundamental issues. "Ladies and gentlemen. Refórmese what has to be reformed, but we can not remain so.
Finally, he reaffirmed the full commitment of the municipalities, the Provincial Councils and Island Councils and the fight against the crisis - "we have been doing forever, and we will do now with the Framework Agreement on sustainability of public finances for the period 2010-2012 "- but also noted that only the will is not enough," we need to reach early agreement on the new model of local financing, "because a local fair and adequate funding" will be good for the state and will to be good for the citizens. "