May 17th, Internet Day

On 17 May, celebrated World Telecommunication and Information Society, Internet Day, a commemoration that comes with over 400 events organized worldwide by diverse institutions and agencies, local councils also included Spanish in the first line of the promoters.

Automultiescópicas screens, parties of the social and technological invocation addressed to larger changes "look" virtual lectures, concerts and competitions are some of the initiatives with which the Spanish city celebrates Internet Day, a day in which, even in the Senate will hold a plenary debate on Fundamental Rights on the Internet. In this issue, it is citizens who have raised their reflections and proposals on how the Internet influences the development and application of fundamental rights recognized in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights United Nations. Citizen participation has been channeled through the "Wall of Rights" in which all stakeholders are able to provide a reflection or a specific proposal, valuing the issued and encourage discussion on social networking. All this from any device in any format.
Today also will be announced the winners of the Internet Awards, awards that have been convened annually since 1997 and are intended to recognize individuals, organizations, businesses and activities that have contributed during the previous year and how relevant dissemination, appropriate use and development of the Internet.
Internet Day emerged on the initiative of the Association of Internet Users (www.aui.es), and its first edition was held on October 25, 2005. Then in 2006, during the 74th Plenary Session held on March 27, the United Nations at the request of the Second World Summit on Information Society in Tunis, approved designating May 17 as World Day Telecommunication and Information Society, sharing the same objectives to the Internet Day.