The FEMP GOBLOnet launches, the new platform for the construction of the municipal XXI Century

The exchange of information and experience between elected officials and local expertise, access to the successful initiatives undertaken by a municipality anywhere in the world but, above all, teamwork without displacement, dramatically reducing costs and avoiding waste of time, and proximity to citizens, are some of the most important features that define the new platform created by the FEMP to boost XXI century municipal management.

The FEMP GOBLOnet has launched a social network designed as a working tool, to become a permanent communication channel for local elected officials, technicians and anyone interested in current and future role of Local Governments. 
GOBLOnet adds to the profits of the traditional social networks to manage and exchange documents and perform videoconferencing, completed application with another exclusive: the provision of universal message, addressed to all members of Goblonet. 
These characteristics reinforce GOBLOnet status as a working tool and, in turn, as a tool for cost savings and efficiency in management, which is a novel twist in the relations between different actors in the local area. 
The initiative is also a pioneering experiment in social networks in Europe and the world, with which the FEMP intends to cross the Spanish border, with a special dedication to the field of Local Government in Latin America. 
The universality of GOBLOnet, Local Government Network, makes it especially useful for the movement municipalist anywhere in the world: in fact, Goblonet born with the aim of becoming a meeting point for local officials around the world and opens up the same possibilities that a world summit of mayors, experts and promoters of the municipal movement. 
The President of the FEMP, Pedro Castro, has already been addressed to all Mayors and Mayors of Spain and all those working in the municipal area to participate in this initiative and use the tool that offers Goblonet, "a space for thought and discussion, rigorous and fun, which demonstrates the innovative capacity of the local world and defining the identity of the local: proximity, transparency and participation. " 

For GOBLOnet sufficient to clik on the following links: 
Presentation (ESP) 
Presentation (ING)