UNICEF Spain presents new indicators FEMP municipal child rights

UNICEF Spain, in collaboration with FEMP, has made available to the municipalities a new system of indicators that will reveal if a municipality meets children's rights while serving as tool tutorial to make policies on children in the local area . At the same ceremony, the Spanish branch of UNICEF has appealed to the Spanish municipalities to participate in the Fourth Round Friendly Cities Program for Children.

Municipal Indicators have been developed with the aim of assessing the degree of implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) and at the same time, encourage local officials to improve significantly the lives of its smaller neighbors, acting on the factors of supply, protection and participation, the three "fish" of the CRC.
This evaluation procedure, which marks the basic guidelines that municipalities must meet to Enactment Friendly Cities Program for Children, has been renovated and summarized to make it simple to implement. Still considered to be involved and the strategies or plans for children, improving the objectivity of the evaluation criteria of the municipalities and also the sustainability of rights advances are achieved with the proposed actions.
The municipalities can know whether they are acting correctly on 138 children through indicators, formerly 253 -, grouped into eight chapters: General Information of the Municipality, Health, School, Education and Training, Culture, Recreation and Leisure, Environmental Sustainability ; Families; Development Cooperation and Child Participation.
In presenting intervened Juan Carlos Mato, Director General for Social Policy for Families and Children (Ministry of Health and Social Policy); Paloma Escudero, Executive Director of UNICEF Spain; Isaura Leal, General Secretary of the FEMP, Santiago Torres Garcia , President of the local network for the Rights of Children and Adolescents and City Councilman of Fuenlabrada and Ochaita Hope, Director of IUNDIA, coordinator of the development work of the Indicators ..
Juan Carlos Mato has highlighted the scale of local politics as an essential stage to "give visibility to children as a social group" and has described the procedure of indicators as a "political instrument of the highest order, as well as the technical tools they they support.
The Director of UNICEF Spain recalled that in 2020 70% of children will be living in urban environments and therefore are the municipalities that will have to ensure full compliance with the Convention. Paloma Escudero also requested, to the upcoming local elections in 2011, that political parties engage with children in their respective election manifestos.

Santiago Torres, representing the Local Network, encouraged the Spanish municipalities to join this initiative, "because it is the only way forward" in improving the services provided to children from the municipalities.
Friendly Cities Program for Children
Friendly Cities Program for Children is an initiative of UNICEF Spain that promotes understanding and respect for children's rights at the municipal level. To this end, UNICEF Spain counts among its allies with the Ministry of Health and Social Policy, FEMP and to the Local Network for the Rights of Children and Adolescents.
With the Fourth Call for Recognition of Child Friendly Cities is to recognize and support those local governments that promote the rights of younger citizens at the local level and promote child and youth participation in decision-making processes on policies that affect them.
Currently there are 34 Spanish municipalities known as the Child Friendly Cities. This year is precisely the 20th anniversary of the CRC, the most widely ratified international treaty in history. In Spain, 16% of the population is under age.


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