The Government and the FEMP agree joint action on rural development

The Ministry of the Environment and Rural and Marine Affairs and the FEMP give priority to participation of local corporations in rural development measures and sustainability criteria to ensure territorial cohesion. Thereto, have signed a collaboration agreement that, among other activities, provides for the development of a diagnosis on the status and trends of relations between rural and urban worlds.

This work will include demographics, immigration, land use, types of urban and rural areas, regulation or protection of natural heritage, cultural and landscape, among others. 

The signed agreement also envisages the holding of a Congress of Small Towns, organized by the FEMP, scheduled for September in Toledo and the presence and participation in the European Network of Small Cities and the European Congress linked to this network, which be held in Romania in the second half of 2010. 

The collaboration between the Ministry and the FEMP will develop under the action of the National Rural Network and the Law of Sustainable Rural Development, with the aim of promoting economic and social empowerment in rural areas, with particular attention being toward municipalities with fewer than 2,000 inhabitants. 

The agreement was signed by the Director General for Sustainable Development of Rural Areas, Jesús Casas Grande, and the Secretary General of the FEMP, Isaura Leal.